MADRID - Spain's Culture ministry says experts at the Prado art museum have positively identified a previously unknown masterpiece by 16th-century Flemish painter Pieter Bruegel the Elder.
MADRID - Spain's government says the nation's tourist arrivals rose by 4.5 percent in July, the biggest year-on-year increase in more than two years.

MADRID - A cave complex boasting prized prehistoric paintings will reopen after eight years of closure, despite scientists' warnings that heat and moisture from human visitors damage the site known as the Sistine Chapel of Paleolithic Art.
MADRID - Spain is offering free vacations to the person who best answers questions on Facebook about the country and its customs.
MADRID - Spain's Foreign Ministry summoned the Cuban ambassador Monday to explain why a Spanish politician who has promoted ties with Cuban opposition figures was denied entry to the island and held for a couple of hours before being sent back home.